
Track talk

4:00 PM - 4:40 PM I TRACK 2 I 7 November 2024

About Joel

“There is more than one way to do it, but do it right the first time!” – Joel Oliveira

Joel Oliveira’s career has been a thrilling journey through the exciting world of software development. With over two decades of experience, he has tackled a variety of roles, including developer, tester, technical and project manager, quality and engineering manager, and everything in between. Throughout his career, Joel has led teams of engineers in a diverse range of industries, from telecommunications to government, finance, defence, and aerospace.

Driven by his dedication to improving the recognition and proficiency of the testing community, Joel founded the first online testing community in Portugal in 2009 and went on to establish the PSTQB – Portuguese Software Testing and Qualifications Board the following year. His expertise in the field has earned him a place in the ISTQB working groups since 2011.

As a mentor, Joel takes pleasure in sharing his experiences and knowledge with others. You can often find him giving talks and workshops on a variety of topics, including software testing (manual, exploratory, automation, mobile, performance, security), engineering processes (waterfall, agile, continuous improvement, and CMMI), and career management (for testers and beyond).

Currently, Joel holds several positions as Head of Quality Assurance at Celfocus, Governance Chair at ISTQB and General Assembly President at PSTQB.

Speech title

GenAI: is it your new API Test Automation peer?

Speech description

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) stand out as the critical foundation for seamless interactions between diverse software systems. As businesses increasingly rely on APIs for their operations, the demand for robust and efficient testing methodologies becomes critical.

While traditional API test automation tools have served this purpose well, the emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) prompts us to explore new frontiers in API testing.

Join us in this session as we dive into the intersection of GenAI and API test automation. Through a series of examples, we’ll explore the how GenAI applications can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of traditional API test automation tools. Along the way, we’ll discuss the challenges encountered and the valuable lessons learned.

Key questions we’ll address include:

  1. What unique potential capabilities does GenAI bring to API testing?
  2. What are the practical challenges and limitations of employing GenAI in API testing?
  3. How can we effectively integrate GenAI with existing API test automation tools?

By the end of this session, attendees will gain an understanding of the potential and limitations of GenAI in API testing and the opportunities to optimize their testing workflows.

Nov 7 - 8

Palais Wertheim, Vienna
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