
Track talk

12:45 PM - 1:25 PM I TRACK 2 I 8 November 2024

About Vladislav

Vladislav Kutsevalov is a  senior quality engineer at Infobip. With a strong focus on context-driven testing, Vladislav brings diverse experience in both manual and automated testing. Vladislav’s hands-on approach and collaborative nature allow to craft risk-based testing strategies, orchestrate testing activities and drive continuous innovation in SaaS products for the telecommunication industry and beyond.

Speech title

Robot in the room: How we onboarded generative AI and how it turned out”

Speech description

Good news, everyone! We’ve got a new team member.
The bad news? It’s made of code and can’t attend watercooler meetings. Yes, it’s generative AI.
But there is no reason to be upset, we have worked closely together for a whole year and in this talk ready to share with you the results of our cooperation.
How to understand what tasks are within its control? How to measure the implementation results? What are the risks working together? Let’s not give in to the hype nor won’t write it off either.
Join my talk to find out how our colleague has changed the way we test things and how we can all learn to coexist with robots in our rooms.
Key Takeways: 
1. Gain from Our Experience: This has been an exploratory journey, You’ll uncover the lessons we learned, the strategies and pitfalls we discovered along the way.
2. Discover the challenges: From initial skepticism, technical difficulties and risks, encounter the challenges we faced, how we overcame them  and how this experience can provide valuable lessons for your own project.
3. Unleash the Potential: Explore how generative AI has influenced our testing processes, the new initiatives it has opened, and how to use generative AI to drive innovation.

Nov 7 - 8

Palais Wertheim, Vienna
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